Kids can have a tendency to take things a little too far sometimes. The phrase “it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye” was no doubt invented by parents, not pirates. And I should know, I took a Nerf dart just below the eye the other day, and that was the end of the fun! I was shocked at how much it hurt. Incidentally, I have a new-found respect for my little brother.
But most of the time the pain caused by kids is accidental. Although I do have a hazy memory of boxing with my dad as a kid, and taking it a little too far. I think we had just gotten some boxing gloves for a birthday or Christmas (perhaps because my parents didn’t like the way we would use balled-up socks as boxing gloves). But when boxing with my dad, I found that a certain target at about my eye level got a particularly interesting response. So I’d take a few higher shots to try to throw him off, and then POW! For some reason causing your dad to double over and mutter under his breath seems funny as a kid. (Sorry Dad!)
I suppose the Nerf dart to the eye is just life’s way of paying it forward. If that’s the case, I’m never letting my kids near the bike pump and gasoline!