Kids are sticky. I’ve heard that children rank 9.3 out of 10 on the stickiness scale 89% of the time (although I’m not sure if that’s true, because I also heard that 83.5% of statistics are made up). Parents have an understanding of stickiness that those without children cannot possibly understand. No surface is safe from the time a child is zero until they are thirty (when they have their own kids). As a dad of several kids, I have spent the last 15 years or so dealing with stickiness. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve grabbed a door handle and thought “why can I not remove my hand?” And those who are not around children much probably don’t realize the need to check a chair before you sit down… every. single. time. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about. You look down and see nothing. But that’s not good enough, so you slowly lean your head down and to the right, trying to catch just the right angle of light until something hidden is revealed. You’re Sherlock; your powers of observation are keen. You see what others don’t, with their mere mortal eyes. You’ve discovered evidence left behind, and you are pretty sure you know WHO done it. So what do you do? You smugly sit down on the portion of the chair that is unblemished, smiling as you lean back, hands behind your head, arching your back awkwardly to avoid the portion of the chair with “evidence.” YOU FOOL! You forgot to check from the left!