I have a terminal case of white-man’s disease. I obviously skipped the “dance” line in heaven completely, probably because I kept getting in the “sarcastic” line over and over.
My youngest son, on the other hand, is an awesome dancer. He can pee-pee dance better than anyone I’ve ever met! None of my other kids did “the dance” really, so this is a bit new to me (of course, none of my other kids had Minecraft at this age either). It is not uncommon for me to come downstairs and see him standing in front of the TV (about 2 feet away) holding an X-box controller in his hand, staring at the screen, and dancing like he’s standing barefoot on blacktop in the summer. After 3 or 4 times of calmly saying (read: yelling) “GO TO THE BATHROOM!” he’ll finally go, and usually he makes it…now.
Adults don’t have that problem. We don’t get so enthralled with our electronics that we can’t take time to use the restroom. Why? We take our electronics with us! You know it’s true. I’ll bet you’ve sat there so long watching videos or checking out some stranger’s Pinterest boards that your legs have gone numb. I know of someone, not me, someone else, who tried to cut down on his social media time by using his restroom time to catch up on Facebook. The only problem is that, I, I mean he, has found that while his Facebook time did decrease a little, his bathroom time doubled.
Anyway, that’s about all I can write today, my legs are going numb. So if you’re reading this right now, just remember…don’t switch hands!
Kinda like when “j” would watch Alton Brown and other shows from the “throne position” with the remote in hand and the door ajar!? 😏