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Simple Owl - Just Desserts There are a lot of very important debates going on in the world today.  But the most important one is going on in my own home.  Should dessert portions be equal for all, or based upon the age of the recipient? The “equal” camp (who are rather small and weak, and I think tend to lean towards communism) believe that the sizes of treats should not be different for anyone.  By that logic, however, a one-year-old child would receive an equal bowl of ice cream to that of a full grown adult.  That’s unhealthy and obviously wrong! The “age” camp, I’ll call us, tend to be a bit stronger and wiser.  Our gray hairs (hey, I have a few) have given us experience that allows us to see past the cloudy fallacies of the world and weed out truth from error.  We know that sugar is not good for you, and therefore you shouldn’t ingest large amounts of it unless you’re old enough to pay your doctor bills. So if it weren’t for the fact that I’m currently trying to reserve desserts for annual special occasions only (sweet!, it’s National Fig Newton day today!), I would sit my kids down for a talk about good ol’ American values over a bowl of ice cream.  And I would eat two!

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