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Newton’s Brother

Newton’s Brother

I’m pretty sure there’s another version of Isaac Newton’s falling-apple story. The one we always hear was no doubt made up to avoid getting in trouble with his mom. The actual story was probably more like mine. One day my brother and I were studying...
Just Desserts

Just Desserts

There are a lot of very important debates going on in the world today.  But the most important one is going on in my own home.  Should dessert portions be equal for all, or based upon the age of the recipient? The “equal” camp (who are rather small and...
Learning To Fly

Learning To Fly

One day I decided to throw a stick.  I’ve mentioned my superior basketball and running skills before, well, baseball (or stick throwing) was no different!  I was about 8 years old, and was standing in our back yard about 15 feet away from my younger brother (the...


My kids love to wear costumes long after their Halloween sugar buzzes have worn off.  My girls used to wear princess dresses any time of the year.  For my boys, it is Iron Man, Thor, and Gandalf.  And that’s all fine and dandy around the house, until they want...
The Ambush

The Ambush

Kids can have a tendency to take things a little too far sometimes.  The phrase “it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye” was no doubt invented by parents, not pirates.  And I should know, I took a Nerf dart just below the eye the other...
Measuring Up

Measuring Up

When I was about 12 I had some pretty optimistic goals.  Specifically, a couple of them were “Be Buff!” and “Play in the NBA.”  If you know me, you know I didn’t achieve the latter (and no comment about the former).  But I loved...

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